
5 Evidence-Based Exercise Interventions for Optimizing Glucose Control

Effective management of glucose levels is a key part of disease prevention and improving metabolic health overall. As providers, integrating exercise habits into patient care plans can enhance glucose control and insulin sensitivity. Maintaining an active lifestyle is...

7 Evidence-Based Nutritional Interventions for Optimizing Glucose Control

Effective blood sugar regulation can help clients achieve optimal health, and effectively prevent or manage a number of chronic conditions. As providers, leveraging dietary interventions can enhance client outcomes by improving metabolic health and stabilizing blood...

The Future of Medicine: Stem Cells, AI, and Regenerative Health While modern medicine has made remarkable strides, many devastating diseases and injuries remain stubbornly resistant to current treatments. Enter Christian Drapeau, a pioneering stem cell scientist whose groundbreaking...

The Real Reason I Started Theia Health – My Ultimate Health Struggle

The real reason I started Theia Health and how I got the idea to begin with.